John Goodman Explodes

One Day I Was Walking Home From School And George Lopez Followed Me Around In A Black Van Telling Me That If I Got In His Van He Would Give Me Free Candy And A Ride Home So I Got In, He Gave Me Free Candy, Dropped Me Off At My House And I Never Saw Him Again. When I Went Inside I Realized It Was My Birthday. My Parents Told Me They Got Lil Wayne To Perform At My Party. Aw Hell Naw. This Is A Disaster. I Quickly Prayed To The Holy Aunt Jemima Who Dwells In The Top Pancake On The Pancake Stack That Is Our Universe That Something Make Sure Lil Wayne Doesn't Show Up. Lil Wayne Showed Up Anyway. Fuck. Everyone Hated Me For Getting One Of The Shittiest Rappers Ever To Perform At My Party. I Burned My House Down, Moved To Mexico And Started Over. I Got Married And Had Three Kids. One Day After Getting Home From My Job Smuggling Tacos Across The Border I Saw That They Were All Murdered To Death By Morgan Freeman. I Tried To Kill Him But His Level Was Much Higher Than Mine And He Killed Me In One Hit. And Then A Skeleton Popped Out And Everyone Died